The gardens are looking great! The transplants are recovered from the shock and the seeds are sprouting. Rain is wonderful!
Just a few other observations/notes:
Bluebirds! Often I hear them when I up at the garden. Sunday evening while Dale and I had a picnic dinner up there, a flash of blue arrived... a brilliant male bluebird. For 10-15 minutes it hunted insects from the it's perch on the fence along the west side of the garden, sometimes swooping to gradb one on the inside of the garden and sometimes on the outside.
Other insect pest control: I have set up a birdbath in our garden to attract birds. A toad about the size of a small adult fist showed up in our garden. I made a shelter and a provide a small bowl of water for it. Hopefully it will stay and patrol the entire garden.
Cutworms: Yes, they are here and the damage shows they are an equal opportunity cutter!! They like both tillied and non-tilled areas. I saw evidence of them in Maria's, Basantas', Brushs' and our garden. Here is a helpful website with ideas. I did dig around our cut plant and found the culprit. I am heading up to the garden to put toothpicks next to each of our bean stems sine I was not able to find the culprit there. If you say it is OK, I would check in anyone's garden around a damaged plant.
Happy gardening!