Saturday, May 16, 2009

Fence, Gate and the Start of the Season

A hearty crew came out this evening after a one day rain delay on installing the fence. It was much easier this year after all the cyphering last year in figuring out what to get. This year we just put it in.

A few gardeners have also started their plots, despite the cold temperatures.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Half the Garden Was Plowed

picture of a pumpkin
After a little talk, we decided to plow half the garden. We found just about 4 full plots worth of gardeners who were on for no plow and one who was game for no plow.

In theory, and perhaps in future years, no plow would let gardeners start a little earlier in the season. This year it was a toss up since we didn't get around to deciding until the last moment. Only a few gardeners took time to start working the soil early.

There are also benefits of no carbon emissions and a benefit of some volunteer plants. We've seen a few beans, many sunflowers, daikon radishes and some herbs.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Plow or No Plow - The Decision

The garden is all set to go. But it isn't plowed yet.

Several of us have decided to forgo plowing this year. It might have a few benefits:
Save greenhouse gasses - if the tractor doesn't plow, no fossil fuels will be used.
Start gardening earlier - if we don't need to wait for plowing, we can garden earlier in the season.

A little late for benefit #2, but it is an experiment.

Jeannine and I were out staking the plots this evening and found quite a bit of volunteer crops coming up already: sunflowers (thanks Gail!), kale, daikon radishes, and more... There may be a whole volunteer crop on the no plow side.

We've found 4 plots worth of people who are willing to go no plow. Stand by for results in the coming weeks.