Thursday, May 29, 2008

Garden Guidelines

The Buhr Community Garden is a new creation. It was initially thought of as a possibility when the Buhr Park Children's Wet Meadow Project was thinking about the future of the park. Years later, Project Grow proposed the idea and was ready to have a public meeting on the topic. Several of us got wind of the idea and with help from Jeannine and some kids, canvassed the neighborhood to get a sense of what people thought.

The general response was quite positive, but several neighbors pointed out that the proposed garden was in their back yard and that they quite enjoyed the view. They didn't want anything that would disrupt their view and sense of a clean park.

At a public meeting in the winter of 2008, attended by about 20 people, we talked about what we hoped for and about what we feared. The compromise was to develop a small garden and to develop guidelines that would emphasize the neighborhood feel. We also wanted to be sensitive to the being good neighbors. 

Here is the Gardener's Agreement that was hashed out between neighbors, Project Grow and the City Parks staff.


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